Setting Up texas food handlers Efficient Articles for a texas food handlers Lifetime of Traffic

Driving traffic is one of the core texas food handlers important aspects that every internet marketer that has a website needs to do, or else, that marketer may never be able to succeed online. What other better texas food handlers way to drive traffic to one's website besides article marketing? Not only is it a do once and forget method that pulls a texas food handlers lifetime of traffic when set up correctly, it also acts as a great way to build your website's backlinks. Thus you will need to know some of these article marketing techniques to set up your articles correctly. Technique #1: Research the texas food handlers correct keywords Why don't you put a little bit of time into making sure that your article is search engine optimized? That way, it would be easier texas food handlers for people to search and stumble upon your article from the search engines. All you need to do is just the proper keyword research and write your article based on that keyword. Make sure that it is a long tail keyword to ensure less texas food handlers competition, and that is has a good amount of searches, according to Google's keyword research tool. Besides that, when you have decided on a keyword, make sure that it has a keyword density of 1% to 2% in your article. This means, for each 100 words, your keyword appears once or twice, never more or less. texas food handlers Technique #2: Never conclude your article Yes, you saw right. Do not add a conclusion to your article, as it tells people that they texas food handlers have finished reading all there is to know about your article. You don't want this to happen because once they have read the conclusion, they move on to another article without so much as a glance at your resource box. This would texas food handlers definitely cost you a high click through rate if you practiced this. Instead, you should use the last paragraph to tell them that you've finished talking about the tips or tricks or secrets that you promised to share in your title, but there's more to be learned if they go to texas food handlers your website. In addition to that, avoid texas food handlers  the use of concluding words. Instead, treat your article like it has no last paragraph. Technique #3: Avoid Egoism in Your Resource Box By egoism, I mean, avoid writing anything about yourself in your resource box. Most readers are not interested in your qualifications, level of experience, or anything else that may texas food handlers add credibility to yourself as an expert author. If you insist of placing those, you may, only in your author's profile. That way, if your readers want to texas food handlers know more about you, they have to only look your profile up the directory. Well, if you do not put in your qualifications, what do you put into your resource box? Here's the trick: focus solely on inviting them (with a call to action statement) to your website to find out more information on the topic that you've discussed about in your article. You see, texas food handlers people don't want to know much about you; they only want to know what they can benefit from you. Thus, the author resource box is the perfect way to get them to your website... if they want more tips, tricks or secrets that they can use to solve their problem. So these are the article marketing techniques that your should texas food handlers practice when writing your articles to set them up correctly. However, there are many other techniques that you may want to find out to increase your click through rate so you don't have to work too hard on article marketing.


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